
Ring and Nest Security Cameras: How secure are you?

Tia Moore Season 2 Episode 5
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00:00 | 06:52

Home Security Hacking 

You may know, we started providing our video content to our subscribers only,but there's a story that’s been creeping me out and I felt as many people as possible should be warned.  Be sure to checkout our video on Youtube at:

Have you all heard about men hacking into baby monitors, security cameras, and home alarms such as Ring, Nest, etc?  

Well, I recently read a story about a mom that setup a ring camera in her 8 year old daughters bedroom for peace of mind. A man hacked into the camera and started harassing the child.  Based on the video playback from the camera, he would try to convince the child to misbehave,  using racial slurs, calling himself Santa Claus-just overall disturbing behavior.  

In another instance, a man hacked into a family's home alarm and tripped the siren and then threatened the family repeatedly by speaking to them through the intercom and made ransom demands. 

Is it safe anywhere and how much of our privacy have we given up? That’s the question I’ve been asking myself for a while and now I’m thinking twice about camera’s inside my home.  

How can you keep your Camera’s and try to hack proof it.  Here are a few tips. 

  1. Keep your firmware up to date
  2. Change your password to something long, complicated. Be sure it’s not something identifiable like your birthday. 
  3. Setup a password manager 
  4.  Setup two factor authentication on your camera.  Not all cameras offer 2 factor authentication, but a few that do are Ring, Amazon, and Nest.